Parent Support Group

*Our Parent Support Group plays a vitally important role in the life of St Brendan’s Primary School - in supporting parents and the staff in fundraising activities etc. Our main fundraising events are the discos and bag packing in Tesco- money raised all goes toward resources for the children in school - whether it be play equipment, craft or books. We are very grateful that our Parent Support Group were able to purchase a defibrillator as well as helping to create a sensory room and garden. *
*If you feel that you would like to help and become more involved in the life of the school and meet other parents, grandparents etc, please feel free to contact the school office.*
When we surveyed our parents, 100% of respondents
said that St Brendan's is well led and managed
(Parent Survey 2016)
St Brendan's Primary School and Nursery Unit, Moyraverty, Craigavon, Co. Armagh BT65 5HS Phone: 028 3834 1037